1.He said the WikiLeaks decision to pay staff -- rather than rely on volunteers -- ends nearly a year of internal debate.
2.Balance the general account at end of every month, pay staff salary, make detail list of fixed assets, intangible assets and other fees.
3.HSBC offered a payroll facility for clients wanting to pay staff in renminbi, but so far there have been no takers.
4.Give it back? Give it to charity? Resign? Or keep it on the grounds that the bank is entitled to pay staff what it needs to keep them?
5.The phrase pay peanuts, get monkeys means that if you pay staff badly you won't get good work from them.
6.It has now set aside $16. 7bn to pay staff bonuses, a figure that is expected to grow to $23bn by the end of the year.
7.Last year Durand secured academy status, gaining new powers to shape its curriculum and to recruit and pay staff on its own terms.